Learn how to create flow in your life using OmniFocus from Kourosh Dini, the man who literally wrote the book on OmniFocus.
Award-winning author, musician and psychiatrist Kourosh Dini took centre stage on Learn OmniFocus LIVE to talk about the second edition of his book, Creating Flow with OmniFocus. During the session, he talked about his long history with OmniFocus and what motivated him to write this book. He also shared some of his workflows and answered a wide range of participant questions. Many thanks to Kourosh Dini for sharing his knowledge and to everyone who participated in the live event.
Session Timeline and Additional Comments
Visit Kourosh’s blog post: An Overview of How I Use OmniFocus – A Learn OmniFocus Webinar to view the timeline for this session and for more information on what he shared. In this post, Kourosh also contributes insights drawn from another one of his books, Workflow Mastery, in the form of an email conversation with London-based author Ben Elijah.
40% Discount for Learn OmniFocus Members
Kourosh is generously offering a 40% discount on Creating Flow with OmniFocus to active Learn OmniFocus Members. You’re also eligible for this discounted pricing if you purchased the first edition of the book or are affiliated with an academic institution. Your purchase includes ePub (iBooks), PDF and Kindle versions of the book. If you qualify, visit this page to purchase Creating Flow with OmniFocus at a discounted price.
About Kourosh Dini
By day, Kourosh is a Chicago-based psychiatrist and physician trained in adult, child, and adolescent psychiatry. He’s also an accomplished, classically trained musician who performs his music weekly in the virtual world of Second Life under the guise of Kourosh Eusebio.
Kourosh authored Workflow Mastery: Building from the Basics, which combines his thoughts on psychoanalysis, creativity, efficiency, and most importantly what it takes to develop mastery and meaningful work. He also penned Video Game Play and Addiction, which helps parents navigate the benefits and potential detriments of video games and virtual spaces.
Kourosh is featured on the Omni Group’s Inside OmniFocus site and was one of speakers at the OmniFocus Setup event in 2013. He has also been a guest on the popular Mac Power Users podcast.