Using FastScripts with OmniFocus for Mac

Use FastScripts by Red Sweater Software to quickly and conveniently access your OmniFocus scripts.

This is legacy content created for OmniFocus 2. You’ll find new and updated content in our Content Library.

One of the features that comes with the Pro Edition of OmniFocus is support for AppleScript. A growing library of scripts is available to automate many aspects of OmniFocus. If you have some knowledge of AppleScript, you can even write your own scripts.

This video shows you how to use a Mac app from Red Sweater Software called FastScripts to quickly and conveniently access your OmniFocus scripts. You’ll learn:

  • Why it makes sense to use FastScripts, especially if you use scripts frequently.
  • How to download and install the FastScripts app.
  • How to configure FastScripts for use with OmniFocus.
  • How to use FastScripts to trigger OmniFocus scripts using keyboard shortcuts.

Free and Paid Versions of Fastscripts

There’s a free version of FastScripts available that allows you to create up to ten keyboard shortcuts. A paid upgrade allows you to create unlimited shortcuts. You can also purchase the unlimited version of FastScripts in the Mac App Store.

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