Rose Orchard takes us on a tour of her OmniFocus setup and shows us how she’s tapping into the power of OmniFocus 3 for iOS to manage her multifaceted life.
Rose Orchard took centre stage on Learn OmniFocus LIVE to share details of how she uses OmniFocus and complementary apps to manage her multifaceted life, that includes working as a full-time developer and pursuing a master’s degree.
In addition to showcasing her OmniFocus 3 for iOS setup and day-to-day workflows, Rose demonstrates how she makes extensive use of Workflow for iOS (an app that was acquired by Apple last year) to bring convenience and consistency to OmniFocus and showcases some clever applications of OmniFocus tags and perspectives.
About Rose Orchard
Rose is originally from England and currently lives in Vienna, Austria. She’s fluent in English, French, and German and previously called France, Germany, and Luxembourg home. She’s currently working full time as a developer at the Technical University of Vienna and pursuing an MSc in Computing (Software Engineering) at the Open University online. She previously attended university in Portsmouth, U.K. to study French, German and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).
Rose writes about productivity, automation and technology on her personal blog, is an Administrator of the very popular Mac Power Users Facebook group and is a frequent contributor to the Omni Group’s forums and Slack channel. She was also recently a workflow guest on the Mac Power User’s Podcast.