Take a Video Tour of OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac


OmniFocus 3 for Mac has arrived! This major new release introduces support for multiple tags, an interleaved forecast perspective, flexible repeats, and advanced perspectives (Pro).

Ten Years in the Making

This release represents a major milestone for the Omni Group. It’s now been ten years since OmniFocus first launched, and OmniFocus 3 for Mac incorporates a decade’s worth of in-house experience and user feedback.

I had the opportunity to visit Omni Group HQ in Seattle a couple of times during the development of OmniFocus 3, and can attest to the care and attention to detail that goes into their products.

Take a Video Tour

I put together a video to help make your transition to OmniFocus 3 for Mac as seamless as possible, and to support you in taking full advantage of all of the powerful new functionality you now have at your fingertips.

Visit the What’s New in OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac video page for a more detailed description of what’s included in this video. Also check out the OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac release notes on the Omni Group’s website.

September 26: Tapping Into the Power of OmniFocus 3 for Mac

This Wednesday (September 26, 2018 / 10-11am Pacific Time) join me and Learn OmniFocus Members from around the world for a deep dive into OmniFocus 3 for Mac.

I’ll be providing an in-depth look at the new features that were introduced in OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac. I’ll talk about best practices for putting them to good use in your day-to-day life and work. And I’ll share plenty of tips and tricks that will help you bring even more power and efficiency to your workflows.

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions, either by typing into the chat box or through audio/video conferencing. A recording of the session will be made available by October 3.

If you aren’t already a Learn OmniFocus Member, you can join here. It only takes a minute or two and all memberships come with a 30-day money back guarantee.

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