Navigating the Unexpected with OmniFocus

Do you tend to abandon OmniFocus when life takes an unexpected turn? Learn practical ways to lean on OmniFocus when life throws you a curveball.

With thoughtful design and maintenance, OmniFocus and complementary productivity apps can help you navigate even the stormiest seas. These apps and your well-honed productivity skills can take some weight off your shoulders when unexpected events arise, whether it’s a flat tire on the way to an important meeting or a global pandemic.

This course was created using OmniFocus 3. We plan to release an updated course for OmniFocus 4. In the meantime, most of the content in this course applies to OmniFocus 4.

While planning is helpful, life and work don’t always go according to plan. Your system must be agile enough to adapt to circumstances that arise, especially those that are unexpected. This course provides practical guidance on ways to stress-proof your productivity system, emphasizing the importance of clearing the decks regularly and learning from whatever life throws at you.