What’s New in OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac

OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac is a major update that introduces numerous new features and enhancements.

With this major release, OmniFocus gains new capabilities that add efficiency and convenience to managing projects and tasks. Most notably, OmniFocus 3 introduces support for multiple tags and ushers in major enhancements to custom perspectives and repeats.

Take a Tour of OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac

This video takes you on a tour of the major new features that were introduced in OmniFocus 3.0 for Mac. Topics include:

  • Customizing the sidebar, outline, and inspector panels.
  • Creating flexible notifications.
  • Using the interleaved Forecast perspective to see your calendar appointments and tasks in one unified view.
  • Using the Forecast Tag (Pro Edition) with the redesigned Forecast perspective.
  • Creating and editing enhanced OmniFocus 3 custom perspectives (Pro Edition).
  • And more…

Taking a Deeper Dive

We’ll delve into all of these topics in more detail in other articles, videos, and live sessions (recordings). Some of our content is available free of charge. And by becoming a member you can get full access to our library and can attend any of the upcoming live, interactive sessions.

Release Notes

Visit the Release Notes page on the Omni Group’s website for more information on this and other releases.

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