Travelling Across Time Zones with OmniFocus 3

Do you travel between time zones? Learn how and when to use OmniFocus’ floating time zone feature.

The principles shared in this video also apply to OmniFocus 4.

OmniFocus has a floating time zone feature that allows you to specify whether defer and due dates update automatically based on your current location or stay the same wherever you are in the world.

This video takes you on a virtual trip across Canada, showcasing some examples where it makes sense to enable “Use floating time zones” and others where unchecking this option is desirable.

World Time Zones

Watch this video and learn:

  • How the floating time zones feature works.
  • How do you decide whether to enable or disable this option?
  • How to use the floating time zone option on Mac, iPhone and iPad.
  • How to use batch editing to enable or disable floating time zones for multiple items.
  • How to customize the Inspector on the iPhone and iPad so you can easily view and modify this feature.

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Travelling with OmniFocus 3
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