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Creating Structure in OmniFocus

Create structure in OmniFocus by applying the insights from mind mapping your responsibilities.

In this article, we’ll examine how to structure OmniFocus based on a mind map of your responsibilities in life. I recommend reading the Foundation: Mind Mapping Your Responsibilities article before proceeding if you haven’t already.

Creating a Basic Folder Structure

Article - Creating Structure in OmniFocus - Basic Folder Structure

This mind map serves as a handy starting point for structuring OmniFocus. At a minimum, I recommend creating a folder for each of your major areas of responsibility so that you can easily focus on these areas as needed. This is especially useful when combined with the Focus feature and Custom Perspectives in the Pro edition of OmniFocus.

A fourth folder called “Maintenance” houses projects and actions that help keep your system up-to-date, such as “Perform Morning Review” and “Perform Weekly Review.” There may also be top-level folders to encapsulate Checklists, Someday/Maybe items, and Templates.

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