You can email your actions to OmniFocus from anywhere using the Omni Group’s free Omni Sync Service.
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If you use the Omni Group’s free Omni Sync Service, you can create a “mail drop” email address. Any email sent to these special email addresses will conveniently end up in your OmniFocus Inbox. The Subject of the email becomes the name of the action, and the email contents, including any attachments, are added to the notes field.
If you haven’t already set up an Omni Sync account, watch this video to learn how.
In this video you’ll learn:
- How to create a special “mail drop” email address.
- How to create an action in OmniFocus by redirecting an email message in the Mac OS Mail app.
- How to create an action in OmniFocus using the email sharing feature in Tweetbot for iPhone.