2015-07-22 – OmniFocus Workflows with David Sparks

Learn how to use OmniFocus to keep your ducks in a row and to guide decisive action with Mac Power User David Sparks.

This session was recorded using OmniFocus 2. Check out updated content, including OmniFocus 3 Workflows with David Sparks.
David Sparks

David Sparks is a household name among Mac and iOS enthusiasts and actively contributes his knowledge and wisdom to this community through blog posts, screencasts and media-rich “Field Guides”. He routinely joins Mac and iOS aficionado Katie Floyd and a diverse variety of guests to talk about Mac and iOS-based workflows on the very popular Mac Power Users Podcast. He is a called upon speaker on a wide range of topics related to Apple technologies.

Session Overview

In this session, David takes us on a tour of his OmniFocus setup and workflows. He showcases the contexts and perspectives he uses regularly and talks about his daily routines. David stresses the importances of reviewing OmniFocus regularly and shares his strategy for using OmniFocus’ built-in review feature.

David emphasizes that using OmniFocus is a practice and that part of this practice is making hard decisions that translate into manageable task lists in OmniFocus. He also shares some sage advice on how to reel things in when OmniFocus (and life) get a little out of control.

Check out the Key Insights from OmniFocus Workflows with David Sparks Session post for a summary of some of the key takeaways from this session.

About David Sparks

David has been blogging at MacSparky.com for many years and is the co-host of Mac Power Users, a popular podcast that centres around all things Apple. He’s a prolific author and screencaster, and has published numerous iBook and video “Field Guides”, including the excellent OmniFocus Video Field Guide. David is featured on the Omni Group’s Inside OmniFocus site and was one of the speakers at the OmniFocus Setup event in 2013.

By day, David Sparks is a business attorney with over twenty years of experience. He lives in Orange County, California with his wife and two daughters. He’s also a musician, a tea connoisseur and all-around great guy.

Additional Resources

  • MacSparky Blog – Be sure to subscribe to David’s MacSparky Blog, which contains a wealth of information on a wide variety of Mac and iOS topics, including OmniFocus.
  • Field Guide Books – Also check out David’s Field Guide Books, media-rich iBooks that include everything from best practices to app recommendations and tutorials.
  • OmniFocus Video Field Guide – If you’d like to review the basics of OmniFocus and learn more about the best practices that David talked about in this session, check out his OmniFocus Video Field Guide. There’s a free preview available, and the full offering includes 2.5 hours of video, which goes beyond the basics to cover topics such as TextExpander and AppleScript.
  • OmniFocus Essential Training on Lynda.com – David’s OmniFocus courses on Lynda.com cover both the Mac and iOS versions of OmniFocus. Get thirty days of free, unlimited access to Lynda.com and watch this and other courses.
  • Mac Power Users Podcast – If you want to get the most from your Apple technology, join David Sparks, Katie Floyd and their workflow guests on the Mac Power Users podcast. Regular shows are published once a week and there’s a live broadcast once a month, typically on the first Saturday of the month.
  • Holistic Productivity Workflows with Tim Stringer – Learn OmniFocus Founder, Tim Stringer had the honour of joining David and Katie on Episode 196 of Mac Power Users. Not surprisingly, OmniFocus is a topic that got plenty of air time.

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2015-09-10 – Using OmniFocus in a Team Setting