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Stepping into Action with OmniFocus

December 4, 2014 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PST

By thoughtfully configuring and populating OmniFocus, you’ll be well equipped to make effective use of your time and energy when stepping into action. This webinar is all about homing in on those actions that are most relevant based on factors such as what part of your life you’re focused on, where you are, who you’re with and your energy levels.

The webinar will feature the Standard and Pro editions of OmniFocus 2 for Mac, OmniFocus 2 for iPhone and OmniFocus 2 for iPad.

Webinar Overview

Attend the webinar and learn techniques and best practices for:

  • Starting your day by identifying key projects and actions.
  • Wrapping up your day by triaging remaining actions to a future date and time.
  • Making effective use of contexts as you go through your day.
  • Applying multiples contexts to actions.
  • Keeping your list of available actions relevant and timely using OmniFocus’ defer feature.
  • Establishing routines through the use of OmniFocus’ repeat feature.
  • Keeping track of what you’re waiting for.
  • Staying focused by hiding all projects and actions that fall outside of the specific area(s) you’re focused on (Pro Edition).
  • Creating a wide variety of perspectives to help you quickly home in on relevant actions based on your circumstances (Pro Edition).
  • And more…

Recommended Prerequisites

It’s recommended that you attend or watch a recording of the Creating Structure in OmniFocus and Capturing and Processing into OmniFocus webinars before participating in this webinar. A basic understanding of David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) is also an asset.

An Interactive Experience

During the webinar, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and share insights using the chat box and audio/video conferencing. You’re welcome to join the webinar 15 minutes before the start time to familiarize yourself with the online meeting technology we’re using and for an informal chat with other participants. The webinar will remain active for 15 minutes after the completion time for additional questions and sharing.


December 4, 2014
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PST

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A membership gives you full access to all of our content and allows you to join sessions that centre around themes and workflow guests. You’ll also be able to participate in Learn OmniFocus Office Hours, highly interactive video-conferenced sessions in small groups (maximum 10 people per session).

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A membership gives you full access to all of our content and allows you to join sessions that centre around themes and workflow guests. You’ll also be able to participate in Learn OmniFocus Office Hours, highly interactive video-conferenced sessions in small groups (maximum 10 people per session).

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