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Travelling with OmniFocus 3

May 29, 2019 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

Staying productive while on the road tends to be challenging at the best of times. Travel by nature is unpredictable and can mean adjusting to new climates, cultures, and time zones and working in distracting environments. Productive routines you’ve established at home can easily go out the window.

This session provides practical advice to support you in using OmniFocus 3 to bring a productive flow to your upcoming travels, whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure (or perhaps a combination of the two) to a neighbouring town or a far-off land.

Session Overview

Attend the live session and learn:

  • How to prepare for a productive trip by making effective use of projects, checklists, and the Forecast perspective.
  • How to make effective use of tags when preparing for your trip, while on the road, and when you get back home.
  • How to use OmniFocus and complementary apps while travelling to keep life and work on track.
  • How Siri Shortcuts can add speed and convenience to both your travel planning and your journey.
  • How to use OmniFocus to gracefully ease back into your life and work when you’re back from your travels.
  • How to defer processing of select Inbox items until you’re back from your travels.
  • Important considerations when using defer and due dates across multiple time zones.
  • And more…

An Interactive Experience

During the live session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and share insights using the chat box and audio/video conferencing. You’re welcome to join the live session 15 minutes before the start time to familiarize yourself with the online meeting technology we’re using and for an informal chat with other participants. The live session will remain active for 15 minutes after the completion time for additional questions and sharing.



May 29, 2019
10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

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