App Description
OmniFocus is a great place to store well-defined projects and actions in a highly structured way. Still, it isn’t generally the best place to house things like project support materials, reference information, and that random (and brilliant) idea you had while walking the dog earlier today.
Notion can be a great complement to OmniFocus. It’s essentially a blank canvas that can store a wide variety of information, from free-form notes from your brainstorming session to a detailed database of feature requests you’ve received from your clients.
You can use Notion to house your personal information (e.g., your purpose in life and aspirations spanning years), share information, and keep a team on track (e.g., as an internal wiki and a place to share quarterly goals). The number of use cases is limited only by your imagination!
Referencing anything stored in Notion from OmniFocus projects and actions is easy. Choose “Copy Link…” from the “…” menu and paste the link into the note field of the related OmniFocus project or action.
For example, if you have a page in Notion containing ideas for your blog post, you could create a repeating “Review: blog ideas” action in OmniFocus that shows up on your radar weekly. If you decide to go ahead and write one of these posts, you could create a “Write: blog post about…” to OmniFocus and include a link to the notes about this blog post that you’ve captured in Notion. OmniFocus prompts you to take action, and Notion contains the information you need to move forward.