
Craft Icon
Craft is a meticulously-designed note-taking app for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows and Web. It's well integrated with OmniFocus and is a great place for reference information and project support notes, whether you're using it individually or as part of a team.

App Description

Craft is a beautifully designed and highly functional Markdown note-taking app for individuals and teams. It works equally well on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac and is well integrated with native apps and features on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Additionally, the Craft Web App makes it possible to access and update your Craft notes on devices where the Craft app isn’t installed.

Using Craft for Project Support and Reference

Completing OmniFocus actions and projects often requires having the necessary project support and reference information at your fingertips. Craft is a natural complement to OmniFocus and can store ideas that may one day become projects. Craft is also a great place to house project support notes for current and upcoming projects.

Linking OmniFocus and Craft

When working on actions and projects, accessing project support and reference information related to this work is beneficial as quickly and efficiently as possible. Each document in Craft has a unique link (URL) that can be included in the note field of an OmniFocus action or project. Tapping this link will open Craft to the specific document.

It can also be helpful to include links to OmniFocus projects, actions, tags, and perspectives in Craft. For example, let’s say you’re reviewing a Craft document containing project support information for an existing OmniFocus project and think of an action to add to the project. If you include a link to the OmniFocus project within the Craft document, you can quickly jump to this project and add the action while it’s fresh in your mind.

Integrating Craft and OmniFocus with Hookmark

For additional convenience, Hookmark for Mac can link existing OmniFocus actions and projects to existing Craft documents.

You can also use Hookmark to create a new Craft document based on an existing OmniFocus action or project.

Conversely, Hookmark makes creating an OmniFocus action based on the current Craft document quick and easy. This action will be added to the OmniFocus inbox and can easily be transformed into an OmniFocus project.

Craft To-Do Lists

You can create a to-do list right in Craft. This can be very useful for checklists, whether it’s a list of conditions that need to be satisfied to mark an OmniFocus project complete or a checklist that you call upon as needed. You can even create OmniFocus actions based on to-do lists in Craft documents by tapping on the Share icon and then tapping “OmniFocus” in the “Send To” section. If one or more to-do list items are selected, these items will be added to the OmniFocus inbox. If nothing is selected, an action group will be created in the OmniFocus inbox containing all the document’s to-do list items. When exporting from Craft to OmniFocus, headings in Craft become action groups in OmniFocus.

Automating OmniFocus and Craft with Shortcuts

OmniFocus and Craft both have excellent support for Shortcuts. For example, you could build a shortcut that creates a new project in OmniFocus and a corresponding project support document in Craft.

Learn OmniFocus Content Featuring Craft

Live Session

2024-11-14 – OmniFocus 4 Workflows with Tim Stringer

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Using OmniFocus 4 with Note-Taking Apps

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Getting Back on Track with OmniFocus 4

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Using OmniFocus with Setapp

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Live Session

2023-05-03 – Doing to Done with Mike Williams

  • iMac

Overcoming Procrastination with OmniFocus

  • iMac